Top Future Missions of ISRO

Top Future Missions of ISRO

Friends, I told you about some historical missions of the Indian Space Agency ISRO in the previous article, but in the present time this route is working on some very important and ambitious missions such as Chandranyan2 Mission, Venus Yan Mission, Mangalyaan Mission, and Gagan Yan Mission After the completion of these missions, India will not only develop at a rapid pace in the field of space exploration. At the same time, he will set himself as a Space Super Power, then friends, in today's episode we will know about ISRO's Future Space missions.

  1. Chandrayaan 2.

After the success of ISRO Chandrayaan One Mission, now the planning is to reach the moon for the second time through Chandrayaan 2 missions.

This space probe weighing about three thousand eight hundred ninety kilograms will have a lunar and a lander and a rover. It is being fully developed by Indian scientists at Rs 800 crores. First of all, the orbiter will be different from the main spacecraft, which will work 100 kilometers above Moon's surface. After this, the mainlander will make a soft landing on the surface of the Moon. This lander will be land near the moon's Lunar South Pole. If this land is successfully landed on Moon's surface then it will become the first render land in this area, after which the Moon will be different from the Rover Lander.

 It will be a 27-kilogram weighing solar-powered rover with six vials present. Initially, Russia was going to cooperate in this mission, but for some reason, Russia refused to help, after which Indian scientists themselves decided to develop it. Initially, it was to be launched by the end of 2018 but now it will be launched free from January 2019 to April 2019.

2. Mangalyaan two

Following the success of Friends Mangalan Two Mangalayan Forest, ISRO will have its second interplanetary mission. Friends, through the Mangalyaan Forest, India becomes the fourth country in the world to reach Mars or orbiter. On September 24, 2014, Mars had entered the Orbit, and today even after nearly four years it is working perfectly. This mission was announced at the Engineers Conclave Conference held on October 28, 2014, in Bangalore. In the Mangalyaan 2 spacecraft, there will be an orbiter, a lander, and a rover which will try to know more about Mars's Surface Geology Temperature Mineral Composition and Upper Atmospheric Processors.

 If everything is okay then this mission can be launched by 2022, 2023. But this mission is largely dependent on the success of Chandrayaan-II mission. Because in Chandrayaan 2 mission, there will be an orbiter, a lander, and a rover, and this technology will be used in Mangalyaan with some changes.


 Friends Gagan Yan will be India's first manned space mission. In which three Indian astronauts will be sent into space through a special space module. All these astronauts will spend five to seven days in the Low Earth Orbit, 300 to 400 kilometers away from Earth. Where they will use micro-gravity and others. This ambitious mission was announced by the Honorable Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi in 15th August 2018 from Red Fort and if everything was okay, it would be launched by ISRO's most powerful rocket GSLV Mark 3 till the end of 2022.

 There are only three countries in the world that can do this, that India will become the fourth country in the world to do so. Before sending Gagan Yan to space, ISRO will carry out two unmanned missions. For this mission, the task of choosing astronauts will be started soon, and they will be given training in the United States or Russia. Estimates of the expenditure of about Rs 10 thousand crores in this historic space mission of India

4. Tribute 1
 Following the success of Chandrayaan and Mangalyaan, the Indian Space Agency ISRO Venus is planning to send its orbiter to the planet.

 This orbiter has been given the name of the Shayanas, whose purpose is to study the surface of the Venus and the Atmosphere and gather more information about this planet.

At present, the Indian Space Agency has expressed the desire for calibration with the Space Agency of other countries for which the Space Agency of France has shown interest in this mission.

The first concept of this mission was presented in 2012 in the Saturn space meats. If everything is okay then this orbiter will be launched by the end of 2030. In this orbiter, there will be about a hundred kilograms of science instruments, and with it, the power source of 500 watts will be present. It will revolve around the Venus planet in a different optical orbit, in which this Venus will be the nearest to 500 km of the planet. It is planned to launch India's most powerful launch vehicle through GSLV Mark III.

 5. Aditya L-1

Aditya L-1 is India's first solar mission.

 It is being prepared through a collaboration between the Indian Space Agency and other Indian Research Organization. The main purpose of this mission is to study the photosphere, chromosphere, and corona of our sun, so let me tell you that Corona is the outer layer of our sun, which has many times its temperature from its center. Initially, it was planned to be installed in Earth's Low Earth Orbit but now it has Will be installed in the Long Range Point Forest located 1.5 million kilometers away. Here it can study the sun in a very short period without interruption.

 And for this reason, its name was changed from Aditya One to Aditya L. Van. Along with the main satellites, other payloads will be present and it is planned to be launched by the end of 2021. It will continue to work for up to five years of launch. It will also be the first satellite to study the Sun's magnetic field.

6. NASA ISRO abstract mission

American space agency NASA and Indian Space Agency ISRO are developing a very advanced dual-frequency synthetic aperture radar satellite called NASA ISRO Synthetic Extractor Radar ie Nissar. The world's first radar imaging satellite, which works on Nissar Dual Frequency, will be the purpose of monitoring the Global Environmental Change and Natural Disaster Closely, for which it will map the Earth's surface every 7 to 12 days. The task of developing this radar satellite is now in its primary phase. And it is expected that it will be launched by the end of 2021.

 The total cost of this ambitious mission is estimated at $1.5 billion, which makes it the world's most expressive imaging satellite. Out of the total cost, $110 million will be given by the Indian Space Agency ISRO and $808 million of the American Space Agency NASA. It will be installed in Earth's Low Earth Orbit and it is estimated to work for three years of its launch.

Thanks, buddies The only thing in today's article is that which of these all the proposed missions you liked the best and why. Please tell me by commenting below.

              Thank you.


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